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Rebooting - 22 Sep, 2023

by Maki

This is interesting.


I thought I was done with it, but sometimes all it takes is to look at life from a different perspective.

I thought working in development was stressful, waking up, putting pants on, turning on the kettle while the machine boots up, sit at the desk (next to the bed) and grind for hours only to notice it's dark outside and it's time to go to bed again, take pants off, lay in bed, repeat next day...


Anyways... restaurants are crazy.

Hospitality is brutal. Don't mind the necessity for a spotless environment, and I don't mean just clean, I mean spotless. Don't mind the long hours of service that go well into the night, when everyone else is at the pub or under the sheets. Don't mind the fact that a trainee could potentially kill someone just by not properly washing their hands between preps or not using gloves. Don't mind the heat, the standing up at your station for the entire length of your shift, your collegues fainting next to you (doesn't happen often, but it did happen).

They are making food you will eat. Put inside of you, take it for a wild ride in your digestive system. And they are constantly rushed by everyone.

It's a different kind of stress, there's mental stress, of course, but the physical stress is nothing to scoff at.

Thank the ancestors if you end up working with excellent people, that's the only saving grace.

Be kind to your servers.


On the bright side I got to move to another country, always wanted to do that.


Anyways, back at it.


It took me a bit to figure out what I wanted to do with this space, and I'm still not sure.

A portfolio would've been nice, but when I closed all my active projects back in 2019 I gave up the credit for the work I did, I just didn't want to have anything to to with it anymore, I just said yes.

That's a mistake, never do that.


I tried to tinker with it in the summer, but with the amount of hours I working I just didn't have the time.

The idea was interesting though, to make it into a playground where I test stuff I'm interested in, things I didn't have time or was able to try out.


I think that's the direction I'll take it.

Sounds fun.

avanti indietro chiudi

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