Making things for the fun of it

My name is Marco Mazzini

I'm a Full-Stack developer with a decade of experience working as a freelancer on standalone or web based solutions. My area of expertise is ERP management systems, from stock to sales, completely local or website integration.

What can I do

Whatever I need to. The greatest skill you can cultivate as a freelancer is adaptability. Not everyone will ask for the same thing, and I often found myself in need of a very specific skill. The only thing I could do was, and still is, to learn. Companies provide training for their employees, to get them to a skill level comparable to the rest of the team. A freelancer doesn't have that luxury, and I had to train myself to the level of proficiency as quick as possible. To quantify that, one of the requirements was to be able to acquire proficiency in the required skill in one to two weeks time.

Simple solutions to complex problems

How do I do it

I'm a strong believer of simplicity. I strive to achive lightweight solutions whenever possible, because while one should take into account the need for security and additional functionality, it all becomes useless if I find myself with bloated code that will quickly reach critical mass. Code should be reusable and easy to edit, since we'll never know when the specifications will change. My philosophy is to make sure it's not just effective, but also efficient, and as clean as possible.

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